Well, now the 2010 run is over and we have all had time for reflection. It was a really good one! However there were some low points too.
We had a very bad journey to the start, due to bad weather and heavy traffic on the M4 and M25; it took us 3 hours to get from Reading to the Plough. (We're planning to go on Thursday night next time.)
We were away reasonably promptly and had a good run up the eastern side via Blyth, Edinburgh and Inverness to John O' Groats for breakfast. I always look forward to breakfast at the Seaview Hotel - they looked after us very well, as usual.
Janey by the last house
This was followed by a superb drive down the B871 and B873 to Altnaharra and the A836 to Lairg. We then stopped for a little breather overlooking Dornoch Firth.
What a view! At least the weather in the Scottish Highlands was good, and the scenery is superb - you can really appreciate it when the sun is shining.
The next bit wasn't so good - after the 'energetic' drive through the highlands a nasty vibration developed, which turned out to be the rear propshaft universal joint. There was no option but to change it - which we did in the car park at the lunch stop in Conon bridge. That took 2 hours, leaving us somewhat behind schedule; we were only supposed to stop for 20 minutes!Anyway, having repaired it successfully we had a very smooth drive down to Stirling - although the weather was getting a bit more threatening.
Believe it or not the above photo is in colour!
We left Stirling very late, but had caught up sufficiently by the time we reached Gledrid to relax somewhat.
I understand that the drive though Wales was very enjoyable too, but I was asleep - even for the bit through the tunnel, when I'm sure Janey must have sounded superb.
The Bristol group of the Triumph 2000 Register turned up in force at Gordano services - at 4am! Now that's what I call dedication. And it was really good to know that other people valued what we were doing sufficiently to disturb their beauty sleep.
Then we really got some weather! I don't think I've ever seen rain like we had in Devon in the early hours of Sunday morning. It was reminiscent of a monsoon - but colder. And we had thought that the rain on Friday night was bad!
More to come...Bude Castle
Monday, 11 October 2010
2010 CT RBRR
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Club Triumph Round Britain Runs
My previous runs were:
This was my fifteenth RBRR, Phil's ninth and Linsey's fourth (although her first with Phil and me). We got on really well as a crew and I think all three of us are looking forward to doing the next RBRR together. Janey has now completed seven runs (the last seven).

Relaxing - just for a moment - at the viewpoint overlooking Dornoch Firth during the 2021 run. This is a location where we always seem to stop to admire the view!
All did not go quite as smoothly as planned, though; the viscous fan coupling gave way just as we were arriving at the Land's End breakfast stop. The plan was to remove the fan assembly and continue without an engine-driven fan. It was, however, raining rather hard, so we decided to limp to the next stop at Bude and seek assistance there.
At Bude, Malcolm Warren came up trumps and his friend Colin provided a garage with a ramp no less!
Not having a spare viscous coupling to hand, we were able to drain the cooling system, remove the radiator, replace the fan assembly with a spacer and put it all back together again in much more comfort than in the pouring rain in Penzance.
Runs missed
I unfortunately missed some of the runs, for a variety of reasons:
1992 We had just moved to Devon and were setting up a garage business.
1994 Our garage (Lake Garage, Sourton, Devon) was one of the stops on the 1994 run.
2000 I was away in the USA on business (very bad planning, I know).
2006 The PI developed engine trouble during a continental trip 2 weeks before the event and I didn't have time to fix it before the run.
Big 6 models NOT owned
After boasting last week that I had owned at least one of every 'big six' model, it seems that I was mistaken.
I don't seem to have owned either a 2500TC estate or a 2500S estate!
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Triumph 2000s I have owned
FPC 83B 1964 Mk1 2000 saloon, manual o/d, olive / cactus, "Bee".
FBL 489C 1965 Mk1 2000 saloon, manual o/d, conifer / red.
My first big saloon, bought in 1974. Extremely unreliable, but I still loved it!
MPG 207D 1966 Mk1 pre-facelift 2000 estate, auto, white / black, "Jasper". In the background here behind "The Pumpkin" (see below).
HEB 692F 1967 Mk1 2000 estate, manual o/d, Valencia / tan.
SPD 509F 1967 Mk1 2000 estate, manual o/d, gunmetal / light tan.
KWK 546F 1967 Mk1 2.5 PI estate, manual o/d, conifer / red, pre-production (X769 / CP29E). *
PCR 493G 1968 Mk1 2000 saloon, auto, Wedgwood / light blue.
VLL 645G 1968 Mk1 2000 saloon, manual o/d, damson / black, "Humphrey" (Racing car, to 1990s CSCC spec.) Written off in a racing incident at Pembrey on 18 April 1998. Seen here with the magnesium Minilite wheels originally fitted to TNH10 (see below).
VLR 364G 1968 Mk1 2000 saloon, auto, Valencia / black.
DPA 120H 1969 Mk1 2.5 PI saloon, manual o/d, jasmine / black, "Mark". I did the 1984 Club Triumph Round Britain Run in this car, the first Mk1 2.5PI to take part.
REL 616H 1969 Mk1 2.5 PI estate, manual o/d, jasmine / black, "The Relic".
Scrapped in 1992 due to rust - it was really bad! Its roof is visible behind LPG 292K (see below).
APF 459H 1969 Mk1 2.5 PI estate, manual o/d, Valencia / tan. *
CPH 737H 1969 Mk2 2.5 PI estate, auto, Valencia / tan.
Broken for spares. Many parts, including the entire interior, found their way onto Holly - see below.
VCV 734H 1970 Mk2 2000 saloon, auto, damson (now 2.5 manual o/d).
LPB 424K 1972 Mk2 2000 estate, manual o/d, emerald / black, "Holly".
LPG 292K 1972 Mk2 2.5 PI saloon, manual o/d (originally auto), mallard / black, "Fizz". The picture also shows a much younger Andy and the roof of REL 616H, my Mk1 PI estate (see above). The MK1 2000 saloon behind me belonged to a visitor.
XLJ 683K 1972 Mk2 2000 saloon, damson / tan.
OPH 189L 1972 Mk2 2.5 PI saloon, auto, pimento / black, "Baby".
DEE 540L 1972 Mk2 2.5 PI saloon, manual o/d, honeysuckle / chestnut, "Pumpkin". "Jasper", the pre-facelift Mk1 estate is in the background.
JHO 939N 1974 Mk2 2000 TC estate, manual o/d, carmine / new tan, "The Jolly Green Giant".
SAD 971N 1974 Mk2 2000 saloon, manual o/d, pimento / chestnut, "Sadie". * Owned since August 2021. The photo shows the car as found; it had been in this barn for 29 years. Although it has a facelift grille and rubber inserts in the bumpers, it is in fact a pre-facelift car, just not registered until August 1974. See my separate blog post "A rather sad 2000".
VML 3M (was TNH 10) 1974 Del Lines Stag Estate, manual o/d, Jaguar azure blue / light tan. *
Owned from 1990 to 2000, then 2013 to date. (Was registered JJH 818N between 2000 and 2020.) This car is currently mostly black, thanks to the previous owner, but will be all blue again one day! Back on the road in 2023 after a 10-year restoration; still work in progress, sun roof and most of the interior trim still to be fitted. And it needs painting in the correct colour too, of course! The picture below was taken when it was brand new.
JNY 590N 1975 Del Lines Stag Saloon, manual o/d, mimosa / black, "Janey". Owned since 1986. *
GHX 273N 1975 Mk2 2500 PI saloon, auto, carmine / chestnut, "Freddie". Owned from 2002 to 2008. Was probably the best handling big Triumph that I have had.
NNH 414P 1976 2500 S saloon, manual o/d, honeysuckle / chestnut, "Charlie". Written off after being rear-ended on the M4. Very sad, it was a nice car to drive.
RFX 711R 1977 2500 S saloon, automatic, honeysuckle / chestnut, "Honey". This car actually belonged to Maggie. Owned from October 2019 to October 2022. *
UVU 205S 1977 2500 S saloon, auto, Inca / black.
Bought for scrap in 1991 - it was extremely rusty!
EUD 109S 1977 2500 S saloon, Tahiti blue / black.
This car was the last big saloon off the production line, MP10228DLO. It had serious damage to the nearside, inflicted by a Sainsbury's lorry, but was otherwise in good condition. We broke it for spares before we realised what it was... today we would definitely have repaired it.
This is Janey after completing the 2008 Club Triumph Round Britain Reliability Run. We only just got her finished in time to take part, and I foolishly did what I always tell everyone else not to do; I did not plan things properly and was left with too much to do in too little time as the date of the run approached. Without the help of friends such as Adrian, Alan, Bill and Phil we wouldn't have made it. And if I hadn't been so exhausted, we wouldn't have had the ignition troubles that plagued us during the run!
Saturday, 3 April 2010
After being in the computer industry for nearly 40 years I have finally taken the plunge and started a blog. This really is scary! What took me so long? Just getting round to it, I suppose. And perhaps the fear that it might take up too much time in my already extremely busy life.
This is supposed to be a Triumph-related blog, and I will try to keep to that theme.
I am a fan of the Triumph 2000 range of cars, made by Standard-Triumph Ltd. in the UK between 1963 and 1977. I first came into contact with these fine cars in 1972, when a friend bought a 1965 2000 saloon from another friend's father. Being mechanically minded, I got to look after this car, and even got to drive it occasionally. When he got a company car in 1974, my friend offered me the Triumph - and the rest, as they say, is history.
In the next post I will try to list all the Triumph 2000 range cars that I have owned. There are quite a few of them; I think I have owned at least one example of every single model!
My current car is "Janey", a 2000 saloon with a Stag V8 engine, built by Ian "Del" Lines of Atlantic Garage, Weston-super-Mare in 1975, which I have owned since 1986. I expect I'll be writing quite a lot about that car in future posts.